Ultrawoman Machine Ready GREAT

Huge Heroine (R) Machine Ready GREAT
Work number GRET-14

Actress Actress Hina Sakurazaki
Supervisory justice

Label / Manufacturer G-GREAT
Series Huge Heroine

In order to fight against the genome that will launch a terrorist attack by machine beasts all over the world, Dr. Yagin will start manufacturing a humanoid giant robot, Machine Ready. However, pilot selection is difficult. The reason is that the main computer, which is the brain of machine-ready, was started by the bio system. In other words, by completely synchronizing with the pilot\’s brain, it becomes possible to control the machine ready like me. That is because the damage received by the machine lady is completely fed back to the pilot and suffers from pain. Such a machine-ready pilot is to be recruited by Megumi Asakura, one of the Earth Garrison team members. At that time, in order to rescue Megumi, who is imprisoned and tortured by Rao Baron, the general manipulates the prototype robot Mechatai show and destroys the enemy base but saves Megumi, but he is fascinated by the mighty power of Mechataisho, the ruler When it comes to destroying the city. Megumi dispatches with machine lady in order to stop the runaway of mechanical tie show!

This time, we renewed Machine Ready. As for the starring Hina Sakurazaki, the big tits might be charm point and the animation voice might be useful. The action scene is also cool and full of highlights. I am satisfied that the scene committed with a mechanical cock is taken like an animation.

This content contains adult material, if you want to see a full movie please contact my email.
Mail: Businessfwj@gmail.com

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巨大ヒロイン(R) マシンレディーGREAT

巨大ヒロイン(R) マシンレディーGREAT
出演女優 桜咲ひな
収録時間本編60分 メイキング16分
レーベル / メーカー G-GREAT 
シリーズ 巨大ヒロイン 
販売形態 【月額見放題】先行メイキング映像  【月額見放題】プラチナムプラン本編 
ビットレート ダウンロード:3000kbps

世界中でマシン獣によるテロ攻撃を開始するゲノームに対抗するため、矢嶋博士は人型巨大ロボ、マシンレディーの製造に着手する事に。しかし操縦士の選考は難航する。なぜならば、マシンレディーの頭脳と言えるメインコンピュターはバイオシステムによって起動する仕組みになっていた。つまり、操縦士の脳と完全にシンクロすることによって我が身のごとくマシンレディーを操る事が可能となるのだ。それはマシンレディーの受けたダメージが操縦士にそっくりフィードバックされ苦痛を受ける事になるからだ。そんなマシンレディーの操縦士に、地球守備隊の紅一点、朝倉めぐみが抜擢される事に。そんな時、羅刹男爵に監禁され拷問されているめぐみを救出しようと、大将は試作ロボットメカタイショウを操り敵の基地を破壊しめぐみを救出するがメカタイショウの強大なパワーに憑りつかれ、支配者になろうと画策、街を破壊する事に。メカタイショウの暴走を食い止める為めぐみはマシンレディーで出撃する![BAD END]


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Japanese Ultrawoman Huge Heroine (R) Machine Ready GREAT

Huge Heroine (R) Machine Ready GREAT
Work number GRET-14

Actress Actress Hina Sakurazaki
Supervisory justice

Label / Manufacturer G-GREAT
Series Huge Heroine

In order to fight against the genome that will launch a terrorist attack by machine beasts all over the world, Dr. Yagin will start manufacturing a humanoid giant robot, Machine Ready. However, pilot selection is difficult. The reason is that the main computer, which is the brain of machine-ready, was started by the bio system. In other words, by completely synchronizing with the pilot’s brain, it becomes possible to control the machine ready like me. That is because the damage received by the machine lady is completely fed back to the pilot and suffers from pain. Such a machine-ready pilot is to be recruited by Megumi Asakura, one of the Earth Garrison team members. At that time, in order to rescue Megumi, who is imprisoned and tortured by Rao Baron, the general manipulates the prototype robot Mechatai show and destroys the enemy base but saves Megumi, but he is fascinated by the mighty power of Mechataisho, the ruler When it comes to destroying the city. Megumi dispatches with machine lady in order to stop the runaway of mechanical tie show!

This time, we renewed Machine Ready. As for the starring Hina Sakurazaki, the big tits might be charm point and the animation voice might be useful. The action scene is also cool and full of highlights. I am satisfied that the scene committed with a mechanical cock is taken like an animation.

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